FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: National Cannabis Roundtable Submits Comments in Support of Rescheduling Cannabis


July 22, 2024



Washington, D.C. – The National Cannabis Roundtable (NCR) submitted comments in support of the proposed rule by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reclassify cannabis as a Schedule III substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The comments submitted by NCR, which can be viewed here as part of the public docket, review studies related to abuse potential and currently accepted medical use that have come out since the conclusion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) analysis. The NCR comments also detail the economic impact of Schedule III, demonstrating the necessity of a reclassification to at least Schedule III and of the overwhelmingly positive impact of a change in federal policy.

NCR previously submitted a letter and memoranda in support of rescheduling earlier in this process, both to the HHS Secretary as well as the DEA Administrator, which are included as attachments to this submission.

Saphira Galoob, Executive Director of the National Cannabis Roundtable, released the following statement on NCR’s comments on rescheduling:

“NCR welcomed the opportunity to participate in this critically important process as the federal government weighs the most substantial change to its drug policies in half a century. We strongly support the scientific and medical findings of HHS, FDA, and NIDA recognizing the medical value of cannabis that led to this evidence-based recommendation from the Department of Justice to remove cannabis from the strictest CSA schedule to more appropriately classify it as a Schedule III substance. Rescheduling is not the end for cannabis reform efforts, but rather is the starting point that we will build off of, using the momentum from this historic policy shift to demand the congressional action necessary to do more for patients, to enact lifechanging criminal justice reforms, and to ultimately end cannabis prohibition.”

Kathleen Sebelius, former U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services and Honorary Co-Chair of the National Cannabis Roundtable, released the following statement as part of NCR’s public comments:

“Rescheduling cannabis to Schedule III is not just a logical step; it is a necessary one. It reflects the evolving understanding and acceptance of cannabis in the United States and aligns federal policy with the realities of state-level legalization. By adopting this evidence-based strategy, we can foster a better understanding of cannabis, its benefits, and its risks, ultimately leading to more informed policies and healthier communities. The comments prepared by NCR serve as a robust complement to the work that HHS and DOJ have already done on this effort supporting a conclusion of reclassifying cannabis to Schedule III.”

The National Cannabis Roundtable is an alliance of cannabis companies, as well as ancillary services and solutions providers, who seek cannabis reform that nurtures the nascent domestic industry, protects consumers, and advances social equity.
